She Lived On The Street, But She Didn’t Ask For Money

She lived on the streets, but she did not beg for money. She was holding a note in her hand and asking people to read it. After 16 years, someone stopped and read the note. Then everything changed. Here’s what it says on paper….

A woman who is 80 years old, has a touching story to tell to the world, but not without a happy end.

It’s been 16 years since Wanda Ritter last slept in her own bed at home. Everyone thought she was crazy, but she kept on saying that “the government owed her $100,000 dollars” and she kept saying it every day. With her she had a suitcase full of documents and unpaid checks, but no one paid attention. Everyone though she is just another lunatic…

Wanda was a locksmith and a mother to four children. On the streets of Washington, she kept saying that the Social Security System owes her a lot of cash.

“I was crazy to get rid of the luggage,” according to them. “I told myself that if I did something stupid, people would think I was crazy.” She elaborated.

But everything changed when Julie Turner, a 56 years old social worker, heard her story and picked an interest on her case. When she checked the papers she shook her head in disbelief.

“She needed money assistance, not with mental health assistance.” Turner pointed out that she’s owed the government $100,000.

However, how did the woman comprehend the issue?

Wanda started getting checks from $300-$900 each month. The woman didn’t cash the checks because she thought something was wrong with them, so she returned them, but Ritter called Social Security Services to check the deviation.

“If I had collected them and claimed that a mistake had been made, who would have believed me?” Ritter told the the local reporters that she believes once she gets the case under control she could resolve it.

With the assistance of the godsend worker Julie Turner, Ritter got a $500 apartment.

A week after the news went viral, Ritter got her first $1,644 check from Social Security.

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