If your partner leaves a clothespin on your shower head, you had better know what it means

It seems there’s no shortage of home remedies and life hacks available online these days. Such tips and tricks used to be passed down from parents to their children, but the advent of the internet meant that a whole host of things became suddenly communal, knowledge first and foremost.

Here at Newsner, we strive to deliver engaging articles that either inform or educate, ideally both. We’ve written about all sorts of quirky topics in the past, but never have we covered anything to do with placing a clothespin on your shower head.

I’ll be the first to admit that I raised my eyebrows when I first came across this strange process. ‘Why on Earth would people do that?’ I thought to myself…

As is so often the case, however, time has proven a solid remedy for my naivety and lack of patience.

It turns out there’s actually a very good reason for you to clip a clothespin on your shower head when you’re taking a shower. In fact, if you ever happen to find a clothespin there, then you should probably pay homage to your partner’s creativity.

When most of us see a clothespin we think of its primary use: hanging clothes to dry. And yet there’s a secondary use that turns these unassuming little gadgets into devices capable of giving your bathroom a refreshing lift

Credit / Pinterest

Without further ado, here’s what to do…

Get yourself a wooden clothespin and a bottle of essential oil such as eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint etc. Take your clothespin and soak it in your essential oil of choice, before clipping it onto your shower head or shower curtain.

Lastly, simply turn on your shower as you normally would. The resulting steam should disperse whichever scent you’ve doused your clothespin in, effectively creating a homemade fragrance emitter sure to make your shower experience all the more luxurious.

Don’t believe us? Give it a try and let us know how you get on. It never ceases to amaze how such simple hacks – usually involving common household objects – can make a big difference.

Had you ever heard of this? Have you tried it before? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box.

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